Welcome to Hello Courage, A Shop to help you survive cancer with courage, grace and style
As a Stage 3 Survivor, I've been through Mastectomy, Chemo, Herceptin, Radiation, Heart Attack from Chemo, Valve Damage from Herceptin, and now Aromatase Inhibitors. And I'm still here. Within 3.5 years, my mom, my sister and I were all diagnosed with breast cancer with no previous family history. My sister and I were Stage 3 and our mom was Stage 1. Before that, my father died from pancreatic cancer. My sister and I found we have a genetic mutation from my father's side of the family, although we were the first to have breast cancer.
WE UNDERSTAND the pain, the shock and the horrors of cancer! It has become our existence over these past 4 years, but we choose to thrive by helping others! From our own experiences, we know that when you wear pretty head wear that is comfortable you feel better, look better, and have a stronger "I can do this" attitude!!
Pic 1 - My picture in March, 2012
Pic 2 - My sister, Diann, October, 2015
Pic 3 - Diann and I with her son, my nephew, at a recent breast cancer walk.
Pic 4 - The THREE SURVIVORS - my mom, sister, Diann (hair coming back after chemo) and me taken in May, 2016.
My hope and prayer is that my chemo hats, scarves, and other items will help you feel better and bring you comfort and beauty as you navigate the rigors of cancer treatment. I promise I sell only top quality items. I ship within 24 hours. FREE SHIPPING to USA, FREE SHIPPING to CANADA on $75.00 orders, FREE SHIPPING to AUSTRALIA on $120.00 orders, and other countries FREE SHIPPING with $120.00 orders.
If you are a breast cancer patient, please check out my Blog above with my 180 posts to help you make it through! Or if you are any kind of cancer patient and need a listening ear or advice about making it through treatment, please email me at hellocourage@live.com It is my passion to help others on this treacherous path!
My best,
Denise McCroskey, www.hellocourage.com